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Click to join me on an activation retreat!


in Asheville

Goddess of Light Activation

During the

Solstice Portal

• March 27 - 29, 2019•


North Carolina in the spring season, conjures up images of green rolling hills with mountain springs filled with the run off of the snows of the passing winter. Images of cabins in the woods, fresh air and memories of more innocent times when things were simple. In springtime, the world awakens, the birds return, flowers bloom and the grasses begin to cover the land. Visiting Asheville and the Smoky Mountains allows us to leave the pressures of the world behind, so go into nature, awaken to your true essence, your truth, your innocence. 

Asheville is known for its powerful vortex energy, it is believed these energies intersect under the city. This spiritual energy is often compared to Sedona. The energy is powerful in these wise mountains, rounded by the winds of time, soft and rolling, proud of what they have sustained and still standing tall. These mountains are a metaphor for life, we endure much but still we stand tall, we continue, we persevere. This spring, in the mountains of North Carolina, come claim your strength, tap into the power of the mountains, pull in the energy of Mother Earth to revitalize you on your journey. 


We will plant the seeds on this adventure of awakening. Opening to us, to our gifts, to our talents, to our essence, that purity that we all came to life with that sometimes gets lost in the throws of life. Plant the seeds and awaken to your true gifts.


In the woods we will connect deep within, through meditation, breathwork, yoga and sisterhood circles, we will find our connection to nature.  We will breathe in the fresh mountain air as we walk the paths layered with pine needles. Each step taking us into a deeper state of contemplation, connection and acceptance of life.




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• At pro blandit efficiantur, in ullum núsquam qúo
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Accommodation & Rates

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Features: Shared Bath, Ocean Views, Air Conditioning, Modern Suite, Full Size Bed

From $1350.00 / Per person

Features: Private Bath, Ocean Views, Air Conditioning, Modern Suite, Queen Size Bed

FROM $1850.00 / Per Person

Features: Private Bath, Ocean Views, Air Conditioning, Modern Suite, King Size Bed

FROM $1750.00 / Per Person


Prepare for your retreat

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For full booking terms and conditions please click here.


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